All the way through the long lines of our historical background, copper has been linked together with restoration. Whenever it's implemented in combination with quartz crystals, it becomes a tremendous Magic Wicca Healing Copper Wand. Ancient man recognized copper as being an invaluable therapeutic compound, and it has for ages been utilized as an effective healing metallic compound, specifically for arthritis and rheumatism. Copper happens to be deemed to be a lucky metal, perhaps attributable to it's historic solar attributions, as a consequence may be used in conjunction with any other sorts of luck bringing crystals and gemstones for even more potent rituals and spell casting.
Reported by ancient tales, copper is able to transfer spiritual energy between people, the mind, the spirit world, auras and crystals. Additionally, it's thought that copper has the ability to enhance thoughts whenever sending and receiving psychic messages. A Real Magic Healing Copper Witch Wand may be used to enhance the 1st Chakra, which is the Root Chakra as well as the fourth Chakra while preparing for meditation. It can also focus virtually all varieties of energies.
Virtually any gemstone set in copper or used together with copper will receive an enhanced energy field and this will assist the healing effect of any gemstone when ever the two of them make contact with the body. Copper even increases the energy of gold and silver.
Here are several of the stones that get to be incredibly strong when positioned near copper:
A beautiful hand-crafted Real Healing Magic Copper Wand which includes a small quartz crystal ball attached to one end and a clear terminated crystal point on the opposing side. Small garnet gems are inlayed either end, fixed into the silver rings. The Real Magic Wiccan Copper Healing Ritual Wands are approx . 7 1/2" to 8" in overall length, with some difference because they are handcrafted.